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How To Deal With Uncertainty And Chaos

Mar 22


how to deal with uncertainty and chaos

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I'm Mia!

 Helping you make more money in your cozy online business (*ahem* financial freedom) so you can make passive cozy income while you're watching Friends! 👋

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We’re living through a historic moment.

It’s March 2020.

The world is in panic mode and most countries are almost-literally-in… lockdown. 

It’s surreal, uncertain and quite honestly, a bit frightening. 

  • The stock market is crumbling.
  • Schools are closing.
  • Trips and events are canceled.
  • People are being permitted from their jobs without pay.
  • People at risk are sick. 

There is definitely a storm going on right now.

I want to give you some tools to help you get through it by watching your own thoughts and managing your mind. 

We’re all in a crisis and going through tough times, but I want to be there for you and to help lift your spirit because I know we can get through it. 

The most important thing is for you and your family to be and stay safe.


I hope you’ll find this article and the free guide I’ve created useful as we deal with and get through this together. 



Related Reads:



The Current Circumstance 

There’s a pandemic swirling around.

It’s here and that is what’s happening.

It’s our current circumstance and it’s a fact. 

We are in the midst of a temporary crisis.

I’m using the word temporary because all viruses will and do pass.

Accepting our circumstance instead of resisting or reacting to it is the first step you can take to help you manage this uncontrollable situation that we’re in.

Now you’ll likely have tons of thoughts about the circumstance – mostly negative thoughts I presume. 

I suggest that you scribble down your thoughts daily to gain some clarity and perspective.

Because your perspective matters



Your Perspective Matters

Notice the thoughts you have about the circumstance we’re in right now.

  • What are you saying to yourself?
  • What are the thoughts that are on a loop in your mind?
  • How are they supporting you?

Even though we’re in a situation that we have no control over, our perspective matters because it’s partly how we’ll get through it.

Think about it.

There is no fear, no panic and no anxiety without our thoughts.

No matter what the circumstance is, pandemic or not, it’s always your thoughts that are causing you to panic and freak out.

Focus on right now and list out the thoughts you have.

Separate your thoughts from the facts.

What can you control?

Yup, you guessed it – your mind. 

Being present and in the moment (not watching the news on repeat) is how you can take back some of this control.

Your brain will always be running around seeking out problems.

Because it wants to protect you and to solve any problem it can get its hands on.

However, if you focus on right now instead of trying to solve the world’s problems from your home office – you’ll let go of some of that pressure, fear, and anxiety and realize that the only problem you can solve is by managing your own mind.

Your thoughts are always optional and you have the opportunity to think better thoughts on purpose – no matter the circumstance.

Your emotions are based on your thoughts.

This is why doing the mindset work during a chaotic time is so important. 

Even though we’re scared and worried. we can relieve some of it by managing our minds and looking at the facts.



Worrying & Other Emotions

Worrying is a feeling that just doesn’t serve you.

Worrying pretends to be important, but it’s really not at all.

We think that if we worry, we’re doing the right thing, but you worrying won’t prevent the future from unfolding as it will.

You can worry all day long but you still won’t be able to predict the future or control the unforeseen.

And with worry, comes unnecessary suffering.

Notice how you feel as you take certain actions, for example watching the news or washing your hands.

What is the emotion you feel right before you take action?

  • Worry?
  • Anxiety?
  • Fear?
  • Panic?

Are you acting out of fear as opposed to calm?

Taking any action sparked by negative emotion will never serve you and it won’t change what is happening in the world.

Ask yourself:

How can I take action from a calm place?

Perhaps you can turn off the TV and watch an episode of your favorite show after having watched the news for way too long?

I suggest limiting the negative newsfeed.

If you want to stay informed, go to the source, get the facts and switch it off. 

Let yourself feel, but do not sit with your feelings for too long.

Feel your feelings all the way through and then leave them behind.

There’s a difference between indulging in only negative emotions and feeling them all the way through.

Accept your feelings of worry, fear, and panic, feel them and let them go. 

Do not react or resist your feelings.

Balance out the negatives out by exposing yourself to positivity through podcasts, life coaching, books and practicing self-care.



Dealing With Unwanted Change

Our brains don’t like change, especially unwanted change.

It doesn’t like the unknown and it simply just wants to repeat what it has always done.

In other words, our brains love LOVE love habits.

When something happens that is out of line with how we currently live our lives and we are exposed to chaos and uncertainty – our brains freak out.

Remember our brains are designed to keep us safe and away from fear. 

So when unwanted changes occur, it goes into fight or flight mode.

By staying home more, not being able to go to the gym and socialize like we’re used to, we are forced into new routines. 

The best way to deal with this sort of unwanted change is to implement a new routine that still serves you and your dreams.

No matter if the kids are out of school, you’re working from home with your husband or you’re simply alone all day – try and create a new routine and stick to it. 

Having schedules and routines in place despite the external chaos creates a sense of calm and stability.

Maybe it’s finally time to add early morning yoga or reading time to your morning routine? ✨



how to deal with uncertainty and chaos

Busy bee? Pin this article for later. 



Living In Uncertainty

We are living in uncertainty right now. 

It’s the new normal.

We can never prepare for uncertainty.

No matter if there’s a pandemic or not.

We just never know. 

Embrace and accept uncertainty by doing your thought work.



Seek Opportunity

This is not the time for panic and fear.

This is the time to show up for YOU.

You have an opportunity to chase your dreams, and an opportunity to grow, learn new things and practice resilience. 

Events and trips may be canceled, but your dreams and your personal growth is not.

While the world is on pause – show up and work on yourself to the extent that you can.

Your dreams are not delayed.

Utilize this time for both your mind and your goals.

The time for your dreams is now.

Although the time is strange and the world is in a craze – you will never have control over it.

I’m not trying to undermine how serious this virus outbreak is and I know some of you are directly impacted.

But I want to offer to you that there is an opportunity to manage your mind even in times of a crisis.

An opportunity to learn, to be responsible and show up for yourself and the people you love.

Do you know what it’s NOT a time for?

It’s not the time for excuses and putting your dreams on the backburner.

Now is the time to take a deep dive into you and do the important work of managing your mind. 

Your mind is the only thing you CAN control right now.

As the world heals from this pandemic, go inwards, tune into yourself and allow yourself to slow down and work on yourself. 



Helpful Thoughts

Whenever you feel an anxiety blizzard incoming, take a few minutes to ground yourself with one of the thoughts below.

If you repeat these affirmations, an unconscious shift within you will happen,  you can let the worrying thoughts go and feel calm in the moment you do this exercise (and hopefully beyond).

  • I am safe and secure.
  • My future is safe and secure.
  • I can get through this.
  • This is not the time for panic.
  • I am okay today.
  • My family is okay today.
  • The world is still an abundant place. (I do not have to stock up on toilet paper and spaghetti)
  • I have money and there will always be money.
  • I have patience and I am patient. 
  • Worrying will not control the situation.
  • Fear is not useful.
  • It’s time to slow down.
  • It’s the perfect time for personal growth.
  • It’s the perfect time to keep chasing my dreams.
  • Humans have gone through this before.
  • We can get through this again.
  • I can do hard things.
  • This too shall pass.



Practice Patience

The fact of the matter is that we just don’t know how long this uncertainty will be with us.

Practicing patience and staying cautious (and washing your hands) is the best you can do right now.

Try and stay grounded and centered. 

Choose stability over instability amid the chaos.

Have compassion for yourself and for others. 

Keep your perspective intact and find peace in the fact that this too shall pass.

I’m with you. 

I love you.

Stay safe.

Keep calm and dream on. ✨

I saved you a seat to my free masterclass. you'll learn how to build an audience and create content the introvert-friendly way.


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  1. Kori Hartman says:

    These are super great ideas. I recently implemented a new quarantine routine that revolves around my blog and it’s helped keep me sane so much. Journaling has also been a huge help. We just have to be positive and patient–this will pass! Thank you for the encouraging words.

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Hey it's Mia!

I started a secret blog back 2018 because #scaredofwhatotherpeoplethought but since then, I have grown it into a bloomin' business, and been able to fully step into the cozy pajama lifestyle (the introvert dream) and be financially FREE bay-bee. My jam is now to help you do the same by doing business and marketing the introvert-friendly way ⎯ the cozy way ⎯ because duh! Basically, let’s make you more money with your WORDS.