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Productivity Planner: An Honest Review

Feb 10


productivity planner review

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Ever had a planner change your life?

As dramatic as this sounds, I have.

This special planner goes by the name of The Productivity Planner. 

And today, I’d like to talk a bit about it, share the ups and downs (mostly ups, who am I kidding) in hopes that if you are too trying to beat the bad boy of procrastination, this planner can also change your life.

If you are already convinced, click here to learn more about the planner from the creators and the story behind it.



Related Reads:



Why I Bought It

If you’ve been following me for a while, you know by now that I am completely obsessed with planning, managing my time, checking off my to-do’s and everything else that fits neatly under the “personal growth” tab.

I’ve been back and forth when it comes to planners and I’ve tried out a million different ones, both online and offline (paper form).

I needed a new planner in my life.

And I needed to get my thoughts down and out on something other than my MacBook, be able to carry my plans with me wherever I go, and as old fashioned as I’m about to sound… write things down

I was desperate to find something that would turn my endless to-do list into something I could actually work with and help motivate me to get things done, once and for all.

Being a recovering procrastinator myself, you can imagine my joy when I found this planner. More on why this was below…



I Was Sold

I stumbled upon the Productivity Planner quite randomly while I was doing the usual blog post binging one late Saturday evening and I noticed that many of my favorite entrepreneur ladies were using it.

I’ve never been a gal who’d turn to a pen and paper when it came to planning, I would usually just do it all online.

But there was something about this planner that intrigued me. It was different and I loved that.

Well, first of all, it’s pretty to look at. It has a vegan leather cover and a strap to go around it.

And I’m a big lover of everything that is or looks vintage but also has a minimalistic feel to it.

I was sold.

Being a productivity and planning addict, I couldn’t NOT get it.

So I did some digging around the web, read a few reviews and I’m happy to say that I haven’t looked back.

Up to this day, I have managed to use it every single day. Let’s be honest, sticking to an offline planner is HARD, but this one stuck and I absolutely love it.



So, What’s The Big Deal?

The Productivity Planner was created by a company called Intelligent Change, lead by two online entrepreneurs Alex Ikonn and UJ Ramdas.

They are also the creators behind the Five Minute Journal, of which I am also a big admirer and use as well. 

The planner was created to improve productivity, get more done in less time using the Pomodoro technique.

It’s all about beating procrastination and going after the hardest and most important task first, by prioritizing your to-do list in order of importance.

In other words, this planner was the kick in the butt I needed to get on with my goals and dreams. 


The planner has the following features:

  • Undated – 6 months of planning
  • Weekly planning
  • 5-day daily pages
  • Weekly review
  • Prioritized task list
  • Weekly notes
  • Pomodoro time tracking – if you are not familiar, this means you work in 25 minutes increments, take a 5-minute break and resume. It keeps you focused.
  • Extra space for brainstorming and notes
  • Inspiring quotes – sometimes daily challenges that I enjoy, for example, “call an old friend today.”



Why I Love It & How I Use It

I especially enjoy the daily inspiring quotes at the top of every page.

They help to start my day on a happy and inspired note.

And I love the Pomodoro working technique, I have never been more focused. I tend to drift off, be distracted by all the tabs I have open all at once and usually leave the task at hand quicker than you can say “Cheeze Doodles”. 

Not the case anymore.

As you finish your 25 minutes of focused work, you also get to check a box, which is satisfying. 

Every Sunday, I sit down for the weekly review to reflect on the past week, go through what didn’t get done and tasks that need to be moved to the following week.

The weekly review is broken down like so:
  • Weekly wins – what’s going well? Any wins (big or little) this week?
  • What tasks were not completed last week? Recommit to complete these tasks next week
  • What have you learned this week? How will you implement this in the future?
  • Next week…  what actions will you take to ensure your week is productive?

The Productivity Planner keeps me motivated, accountable and AWARE of the things I need to get done ASAP, compared to other tasks that I can calmly set to “not as important” for a particular day.

This way every to-do isn’t thrown at me at once and I can concentrate on one task at a time. 

I go head to head with the most important task first and move on to the next. 

Focus on ONE thing, even if I don’t get everything in one day, I will be satisfied with my work because I KNOW I got the hardest thing out of the way.

It’s a lovely feeling, I must say, guys.

And again, I love its retro vibe, both cover and the feel of the paper inside. 

The productivity scale at the bottom of each page is another cool feature to measure, reflect and evaluate your productivity for the day.

I try to never be below 7.

This is individual though, you need to scale this and find out what a 10 is to you.

It may be completely different from what it is for me.

The extra blank pages in the planner are perfect for free journaling, doodling and taking any necessary notes throughout the day and week.

I typically use these pages for my thought-downloads – meaning when I am feeling overwhelmed by my to-do’s and other things I have going on, I get it all down on these pages.

It helps to clear my head. 



What I Don’t Love About It As Much

I use the planner strictly for blog related and entrepreneurial purposes, and because of that, I do work around the clock, which also means that I work on the weekends.

Unfortunately, the planner only has the five-day week feature, Monday through Friday.

This is a bummer for me, because being the planning maniac that I am, and because I also have a full-time job, I reserve my weekends entirely for my blog. 

Lastly, there are approximately 35 pages at the very beginning of the planner packed with information, examples of how to use it and the story behind it.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s very useful and great to know, however, I feel like these pages could be saved for a 7-day week structure or for more planning.

I’d love for these pages to be shortened or turned into something actionable and instead have that information online.

I do understand why it’s there, but for me, I’d just like to get down and boogie with my new planner.



What Does It Look Like?

The pictures below show what the planner looks like, both on the inside and out. 

Productivity Planner Review

Productivity Planner Review

Productivity Planner Review



How Much Does It Cost?

The Productivity Planner sells for just $24.95.

I feel the price is more than reasonable when you think of all the features included.

You will, in my opinion, definitely get good value for your money.

If you feel their standard price is a little heavy on your wallet, I’ve noticed that Intelligent Change often offers a discount, so be sure to check in on their website to see if there is a current sale going on.

Tip! If you’re unsure if the planner is for you, you can start by checking out the free The Productivity Planner Quick Start Guide.



More Benefits…

  • I’ve learned how to finally prioritize my to-do’s. I usually plan the night before, so when I wake up I know exactly what I need to get done and in what order.
  • Tackle the important and hardest tasks first and I actually DO them. Getting the hardest things out of the way first is key.
  • More organized and not as easily distracted. This is due to the Pomodoro technique included in the planner and it works wonders for me.
  • Get better work done in less time.

I am acing productivity and procrastination doesn’t really exist for me anymore.

Ok, that was a complete LIE.

I still procrastinate but I am so much more organized and present, and I don’t find myself putting tasks on hold as much as I used to, which was A LOT of the time. 

Major nerd alert – I wake up excited to open my planner and get started.

I am more motivated, because, let’s face it – checking off a to-do from your list is the best feeling in the world.

Definitely crushing on this planner and I highly recommend it if you need to finally get things done, be more organized, say bye-bye to procrastination, and feel that you are moving forward towards your goals.



Who’d Absolutely LOVE This Planner

This planner is for you, my wonderful readers if you too struggle with motivation, time management and the devil himself, procrastination.

The Productivity Planner is right for you if you…

  • Are career driven
  • Need that extra push to get things done
  • Struggle with time management and efficiency
  • Are a blogger or an entrepreneur of any sort
  • Want to achieve your goals this year and be successful

All I can say is that it has helped me tremendously in those areas and for the first time I don’t feel like I’m stressing or am behind on my goals. 

Note: You gotta do the work though. It’s a brilliant planner, but for it to actually benefit you, be careful that you don’t over-plan and that you break your to-do’s down using the method in the planner.

For example:

Don’t just write up “WRITE 10 BLOG POSTS” as your number one task.

You can easily divide this bold project into the following mini-tasks: 

  • Research the topic for one blog post
  • Write the outline and draft
  • Create 1-2 pins using Canva
  • Set a featured image
  • Proofread and publish

You’re with me, right? Break it ALL down.



Who Would NOT Love It As Much?

I’d say that if you prefer to keep all things online and don’t care much for a carry-on journal, this planner isn’t for you.

Obviously, if you don’t enjoy planning or being organized, this planner isn’t for you either. 



Where Can I Buy It?

I hope you’ve found this review helpful and if you decide to go for it, I hope that it ends up bettering your life too.

I use this planner daily, and as I mentioned above, I have never looked back. ✨

You can buy the Productivity Planner here.

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Hey it's Mia!

I started a secret blog back 2018 because #scaredofwhatotherpeoplethought but since then, I have grown it into a bloomin' business, and been able to fully step into the cozy pajama lifestyle (the introvert dream) and be financially FREE bay-bee. My jam is now to help you do the same by doing business and marketing the introvert-friendly way ⎯ the cozy way ⎯ because duh! Basically, let’s make you more money with your WORDS.