On today’s podcast, we have the wonderful Jessie Scanlon who talks about a hot topic – money. The truth is, we all love money, especially as business owners. We love to spend it and make it. But money can be a hard topic to talk about, and it can be overwhelming.
Jessie is a financial guide and founder of Abundance Advocate.
She has combined her knowledge as a certified yoga instructor and soul-centred woman to create a life of greater financial wellness and well-being.
This podcast has amazing strategies and tools for managing your relationship with money. Plus, Jessie discusses how to thrive financially in the challenging times the world is currently experiencing.
I’m a sensitive and deeply caring person who likes to unwind and be silly. However, it wasn’t always like this!
This is something I had to learn. Growing up, I was serious, shy and introverted. I didn’t question things, especially anything that was considered a ‘norm’.
When I went to college, I didn’t declare an area of study. But I was caught up in the pressure of choosing something and ended up going down the accountant route.
I knew it was a stable job and would make me money. However, this ended up being a toxic environment, and my body and soul sent me signs along the way. But I kept ignoring it.
Eventually, there were challenges with my physical wellness, so I knew something had to change. I quit my job, left my partner and moved from the East to the West coast. It was terrifying, but I knew I had to take the leap.
I spent eight months hiking, reading self-help books, practising yoga and connecting with myself.
That was when I learned how to recentre to myself and bring myself back to find out what I actually want.
I asked myself what I wanted to do.
Eventually, my relationship with money made me anxious again. I wasn’t earning, so I was obsessively checking my bank account. This pressured me into taking another job in accounting in San Francisco.
But obviously, my physical wellness struggled again. I moved back to my roots on the east coast and trained as a yoga teacher.
As I took a break from work again, I picked up freelance bookkeeping work to have some money coming in. During this time, I helped other clients with their anxieties around money and gave them some of the tools I was learning.
This was when I realised this is something the world needs.
I started as a financial healer but later found this sounded a bit intimidating. Now I’m a financial guide. In this, I use these tools to delve into the strategic side of money with my clients.
It’s important to ask yourself what you actually want in life.
Even if it doesn’t come to you right away, that’s ok.
Ask yourself again and again.
It was a practice for me and took a long time. Just keep asking.
I work with women to find greater financial wellness. We get reflective and work out what your money story is. Where it came from. How it’s serving you. From your family, culture and religion, all of the background.
We work on reclaiming our story with money and re-writing it. After all of this work, with a semi or blank canvas, we rewrite your story.
Call on our higher and future self.
Envision what they do.
How do they interact with money?
Then we build in strategic tools and the money rituals we can do to make it sustainable.
Start simple.
I encourage clients to find and explore and practice rituals.
Set a weekly, monthly and annual money date with yourself.
The weekly dates can be short, whilst your annual ones should be full of cosy vibes and an in-depth review of your money goals.
This helps to create a space around money without demanding it.
You’re opening a space to connect and have a reciprocal relationship with money.
Create space, and time in your schedule and show up for yourself when it comes to managing your money.
My monthly money dates are quite structured.
Check-in with my vision and my story.
How well did I embody my vision this month?
How can I improve next month?
But weekly, I give myself more freedom. I’ll simply check-in and ask myself what I need.
Sometimes I’ll put on music and dance, or meditate and ground myself through visualisation.
Even though I’m a financial guide, I still have insecurities. My 15-30 minute weekly sessions are 15-30 minutes of just checking in help this.
I love a good goal, but I do have a different perspective on how we should set them.
Personally, I like to sit down with my values. For example, my core values include comfort and discovery. I then set a goal in this area, and hold myself accountable for it.
Give yourself accountability.
We’re bombarded with ads for clothes and training and this and that, and it can be easy to lose sight of our money goals and where we’ve been putting our time and energy into! At a moment’s notice, we can give into instant gratification.
Then we feel shame, guilt and sadness. We feel heavy.
Use goals as accountability, but look at them holistically. If you don’t meet them, think about what might have been going on in your life and why this goal wasn’t met.
The most important thing is to have an emergency fund.
Have it for your business and yourself personally.
Everything is so volatile, the last thing you want is to find yourself in panic mode. This shuts your body and creativity down.
There are debates about how much money this is, and a general rule of thumb ranges from 3-12 months of what you and your business need to survive.
From there, stay curious about what’s going on and what decisions are being made.
Keep your business true to the vision.
I will be running an amazing group program again (which runs quarterly) and helps women to rewrite their stories with money.
Find me on Instagram at Abundance Advocate, slide into my DMs, and sign up for my email list for all of the information!
Thank you so much Jessie for coming onto the She Dreams All day podcast!
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