Welcome back to the She Dreams All Day podcast! Today we are delving into the world of *launching* your wonderful product or service as an introvert.
At first, launching online can seem intimidating. It can be scary, and that’s ok!
I’m all about empowering you with the tools and skills to step out of your comfort zone. And *spoiler alert*, putting yourself out there so it will eventually be less scary!
Which it will, I promise!
The truth is, we have to put ourselves out there in order to sell. Otherwise, your dream audience won’t even know your course, podcast, or content exists.
We simply have to ask for the sale.
So let’s dive into my best tips for launching, in an introvert-friendly way.
Personally, I love a good launch. From the extensive planning to launch day, it brings me joy and excitement.
But there is a way to launch your course in a way that sounds good for you.
Ultimately, we need to leave our comfort zones to realize our beautiful dreams. And in order for you to live the PJ lifestyle, you have to launch your product.
Ooh, if you want some more in-depth info on this topic, take a look at my course called Her Passive Income Dream. It dives into alllll the things from creating a course to the ins-and-outs of launching online as an introvert.
Whatever you’re launching, whether it’s a coaching call, a podcast, a course, a blog post, or simply anything you want to drive traffic to, you need to plan.
The first thing you need to do when launching is to channel your inner productivity queen and plan.
Planning makes everything a lot less overwhelming and intimidating!
Your launch will be in two phases. The pre-launch, and the actual launch.
But let’s start with the pre-launch. This phase is all about getting people excited and building your audience. Being seen by new people.
Gaining their trust and increasing their anticipation by telling them something new is coming.
Normally, I pre-launch for 7 days, but it can be however long you want.
When you’re creating content for your pre-launch, make sure it aligns with your service or product.
For example, if you were teaching a course all about meditation, create content around that focus.
Touch on their pain points. Delve into the transformation and how it can be a possibility for them.
Allow them to dream.
For instance, when I was launching Her Passive Income Dream, the content I created was centered on why courses are the best thing for your business.
One of the first things you need to plan out, before you launch, is the problem you are going to solve.
Think about; what does your audience need to think, believe or understand? Show them that the transformation and result is an actual possibility for them.
It’s not about manipulating their thoughts, but showering them with value.
Build up momentum, excite your audience, and get them into the right mindset for your launch.
Show them how possible the result of your product or service can be for them.
When you’re in the planning stage, make sure you decide when and how you’re going to launch.
You’ll need to think about the main launch activity first. Are you going to start off with a masterclass (aka a webinar), a challenge, or a live video series?
What are you going to do to educate your audience (for free)?
Now I know what you may be thinking. A live webinar?! Speaking to the camera?! This can sound scary, I know! But I want you to think about why it’s so daunting for you.
If you really aren’t into webinars or lives, and you don’t even enjoy watching them, then that’s ok if they’re totally not for you.
But if you’re not wanting to do a webinar or masterclass because of your limiting beliefs, I challenge you to step out of your comfort zone and do it.
However, there are different ways to do the launch activity. You don’t have to do a live or a webinar.
You just need something that will educate, provide value and ultimately lead to an invitation.
Create a downloadable PDF, go all in with your email marketing or film some pre-recorded videos to upload on Instagram.
Take baby steps.
When launching, I want you to do the thing that scares you. Pushes you out of your comfort zone. But still feels right.
Something that aligns with you.
Then once your launch activity is live, that’s when the dream really begins!
Make sure you share the benefits of your course and testimonials. Speak to your audience about their problem, and understand them!
Remember, you are them, but just a few steps ahead!
If launching was easy and didn’t drain your energy, how would that look?
Would you pre-record your videos before posting on Instagram?
Or would you plan your content before your launch, and create engaging Canva graphics?
Do you like the idea of creating content ahead of time?
Just think: how can I make this a lot less stressful?
Taking care of your energy means you are able to show up and ask for the sale when you need to.
Ultimately, fuel your introvert energy with the right things for you.
For me, getting ready in the morning fuels my introvert energy. It gives me the motivation to show up online.
Put on an outfit that you love. One you feel you’re most likely to show up online in.
Meditate. Dance around your kitchen! Exercise. Or have a delicious cup of coffee (like I do).
Most importantly, have radical self-awareness. When do you have the most energy? Mornings, evenings? Record this over a week and become radically self-aware of how you and your energy levels work.
One last thing.
We need to get real good at celebrating the good times. And the not so good.
Even if you sold zero courses. Or just the one. Celebrate. You stepped out of your comfort zone! You will have learned something. And that’s pretty amazing.
The more you do something, the better you will get.
You will sell more. Believe in your course. Be willing to adapt and change.
There is no such thing as a failed launch or course. You’ll learn lessons and try again! This is the nature of being an entrepreneur, and ‘failing’ also makes a powerful story. Maybe you’ll be telling your future audience about this one day.
Selling is inviting your audience to join the party (that is your course, service, or product). It’s just an invitation.
I know it can feel icky (which reminds me I must do a podcast on selling as an introvert!) but it’s not. It’s an invitation.
People want to buy things that will help them. I do! I love spending money on things that will help me to learn or progress.
And finally, make sure you launch in a way that feels good to you. That it aligns with who you are.
Plan ahead as much as you can.
From your content and what you’re putting out there, to when it’s all happening and knowing your own energy cycle.
You got this!
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