Join me on the SDAD podcast today where we delve into all things money 💸.
I explain the journey I’ve been on to reach consistent 5 figure months, and where it all began!
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Welcome back to the SDAD Podcast, and thank you for tuning in with me!
Today’s podcast topic delves deeper into how I make my money online, and where it all began.
How I went from making zero dollars to consistent 5 figure months.
☝️ But before I begin – a bit of a ‘disclaimer’. I’m not sharing this information to brag, or flaunt how much money I make online. Actually, it’s the total opposite.
I’m sharing this information so you know just how possible it is.
If I can make money online, so can you.
If it’s possible for me, it’s definitely possible for you!
So let’s start right at the beginning. Join me on my monetisation rollercoaster of making my online business dream a reality.
Where it all began
Let’s start back in August 2018, when I started my first ‘secret’ blog.
Although I wasn’t making any money in the blogging early days, I knew it was possible. I had seen others make a success of their online business, and it inspired me to do the same.
If they could do it, why couldn’t I?
So as overwhelming as the blog was, I kept going. As I wanted to monetise my blog and create an income, I decided to invest in a blogging course.
One of their first monetisation recommendations was to use affiliate marketing.
(If you’re not sure what affiliate marketing is, it’s earning commission off products or services you promote via links on your site.)
Affiliate marketing is great as a beginner as you get to validate your idea. You can experiment with selling to your audience, without having to put the effort in to create a product yourself.
I made my (very exciting) first affiliate sale in November 2018, and it was promoting a productivity planner for $5. Five whole dollars.
It sounds like nothing, but to me, it was proof. Proof that I could make money online. If I could make $5, why couldn’t I make $10? Or $20?
Affiliate marketing to ads
My next monetisation strategy was using ads on my website.
Qualifying for an ad network depends mainly on how much traffic your website has.
I decided to wait to qualify for the premium ad network, Mediavine, which back then, required around 25k sessions per month on your website.
(You can dip into other ad networks, but you have to weigh up whether the drop in site speed and clutter of ads is worth it for the amount of $$ you’re making.)
In March 2019, I reached the threshold for Mediavine, and from that moment on, I was able to scale my remote income to around $1500 (along with affiliate marketing).
This was a BIG deal to me!
Creating something of my own
After earning consistent money with ads and affiliate marketing, I shortly realised I wanted to create something of my own.
Don’t get me wrong, aff marketing and ads are a great way to start your online business, but I wanted to create something unique for my audience.
I wanted to be in charge of what I was promoting. The marketing. The price.
And that’s where my first digital product came in!
Dream Morning, priced at $47.
When I launched my first ebook, my income increased to around $1-3k per month.
My dream was truly becoming a reality!
Online course obsessed
If you know anything about me, you’ll know I am online course obsessed.
It is the gateway to passive income. Making money as you sleep.
In May 2019, I had no experience of making online courses. I knew I wanted to make one, but I felt unsure of the topic.
So I started monitoring what my audience was clicking on. Engaging with. And along came the Dreamer to Doer course!
In November 2019, my productivity course was selling.
But then I realised, what were people asking me about on a daily basis?
More than productivity, mindset, or planning?
What was the most frequently asked question by my audience?
How to start a blog.
Where to begin with making money online.
How t0 start a business online, just like me.
So THAT’S what I need to focus on!
And that’s when it clicked.
Aligning my business with my goals
That’s when I launched Dreamer to Blogger in May 2020. And so far, nearly 300 amazing human beings have purchased this course.
This allowed me to scale to $3-4000 dollars per month.
All whilst I was experimenting, pivoting my business, learning more and more about what my audience wanted.
I also delved into what I wanted my business to stand for.
Where I came up with my motto; ‘Quiet people do amazing things’, and really focussed on helping introverts to live out their dreamy freedom lifestyles. Be their own boss. Work from home. Be their amazing introverted self.
Coming up with this, I discontinued the courses that no longer aligned with my goals. No longer made sense to my vision and the direction my business was going in.
I wanted to become a business coach.
2021 – The year of revenue
2021. The year I invested in myself. I worked alongside a coach to scale my business, and it worked.
From September 2021, I’ve been able to scale my business to 10k months.
I started 1:1 coaching (although I thought I’d hate it being an introvert!)
Turns out, talking on Zoom and helping others 1:1 to live out their dream life is my thing. And just because you’re an introvert, doesn’t mean it won’t be yours!
Finally, my business, my message and what I stood for became clear.
I was clear on what my audience wanted, what they needed.
It became easier to create products and courses because I knew exactly what my audience was looking for.
By showing up online, reframing my mindset, my passive income was increasing.
Live launch your course
Back in 2018/2019, my courses were taking 6+ months to create. I would spend hours perfecting them before they went live.
But my new strategy? Live launch it!
I’ll create the sales pages, the emails, get clear on the problem I’m solving, but not create the entire course before launching.
This is how I’ve been able to deliver various courses in such a short amount of time.
Each module can be delivered after launching. When people had actually bought it. Proof of profits!
That way, all those hours are worth it.
Busy bee? Pin this.
Reframe your selling mindset
Before having my business coach in 2021, I found selling icky. I wasn’t good at selling, and I thought it was something sleezy that I didn’t really want to do.
But then I learned about the psychology of selling. And I totally reframed my mindset.
Selling is an invitation and providing value.
You’re inviting them on a journey with you.
Providing them with results.
In 2021, I was able to scale to 5 figure months.
And 2022, I’m consistently hitting 5 figure months.
CEO reflection and planning time
Every Monday, I sit down in my CEO Reflection and Planning time to go through what I’m selling that week.
If I don’t plan, I won’t sell.
What’s exciting at the moment? What do I want my audience to join? How can I show up for my audience and add even more value for them?
This weekly reflection is game-changing.
Showing up for your audience = making more money online
There is a direct correlation between showing up for my audience online to making money.
If I don’t show up (on my blog, Instagram, Tiktok…) I don’t make a sale.
If I don’t show up and desert my audience, I don’t make the sale.
You have to ASK for the sale.
Give them the link. Most people won’t reach out and ask, so make it as EASY for them.
Be clear about what you offer.
If I can make money online, you can too!
I hope this podcast has been helpful and has reminded you just how possible it is for you to make your online dreams a reality.
Just remember, everyone’s journey is different.
Believe in yourself.
Make those dreamy 5 figure months a reality.
I typed in the search a phrase that just hit me ; something I want to achieve !!! So thank you my dear for posting your beautiful dream!!!