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12 Things You Need To STOP Doing In The Morning

Apr 14


things you need to stop doing in the morning

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I'm Mia!

 Helping you make more money in your cozy online business (*ahem* financial freedom) so you can make passive cozy income while you're watching Friends! 👋

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The alarm rings and you are dreading the idea of having to get up, get ready, and go off to work. 

You hit the snooze button and dive back to sleep for a good extra 10 minutes.

Coffee is calling your name from the kitchen and you really need to get ready now.

You’ve already managed hit the snooze button about 4 times and you can’t push it any longer. 

You have to get up – this is it.

This is when you rush into the bathroom, throw on makeup, and try to find clothes that fit.

However, the outfit doesn’t really go with your mood or shoes. But you head out the door anyway feeling completely overwhelmed, stressed and grumpy. 

Sound familiar?

So little time, so much to do.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the mornings could be peaceful for once?

There is nothing I enjoy more than a long and cozy morning routine, to set my day off on the right foot.

For mornings to be productive, peaceful, and enjoyable, there are a few things you need to stop doing as soon as you wake up.

Some of these things are obvious – others may surprise you.

Here are 12 things you need to STOP doing in the morning if you want a productive morning routine and be more successful.



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1. You Snooze, You Lose

The most popular life hack gets to go first.

If you haven’t heard that snoozing is bad for you – where have you been?

In all seriousness and first things first,  STOP hitting that snooze button every morning.

It ain’t doing you ANY good and instead of giving you an extra 10 minutes of sleep, it is actually just making your body and mind more tired.

Get up the moment your alarm rings and don’t look back.

Use Mel Robbin’s 5-second rule and count backward 5-4-3-2-1 and get up. Just do it.

The truth is, you won’t ever feel like getting out of your warm and comfy bed. If you give your mind time to decide which is better – going back to sleep or getting out of bed, into a cold room – you will hit the snooze button. 

Don’t give your mind time to think – just do. 

If you jump out of bed you will be more alert and energized throughout the day.



2. Check Work Email

No one needs your attention at 6 in the morning, especially your work.

There is absolutely no reason why you should dive into work before you’ve even had your coffee.

Check your work email when your workday starts and not a minute sooner.

If you’re worried and waiting for an important email, it will still be there at 9 AM and no one is expecting you to answer before your workday starts.

I, too, struggle with this – but my mood and focus are so much better if I stay away from my inbox in the morning. 



3. Go On Social Media

Free your mind from social media as much as you can, especially in the morning. You don’t need the distracting feed that early.

Focus on your morning, your life, and what you can do to better align your life with the life of your dreams.

The mornings are for me-time, and no one else should take your good energy and turn it into something else. 

Guess what? That feed will still be there by lunch.

Also, only follow people who provide value and make you feel good about yourself.

Unfollow anyone who doesn’t.

Go through your Instagram and ask yourself –

“Does this person make me feel good about myself?”

If the answer is no, unfollow them immediately.

We want good vibes only.



4. Not Eating A Healthy Breakfast

Make sure your breakfast includes good protein, fiber, and fat.

Breakfasts like flavored yogurts, cereals, croissants, and other sugary breakfast options will just make you crash an hour later which is no good.

A nutritious and filling breakfast will help balance your blood sugar levels and make you feel fuller for longer.

If you’re one of those people who never eat breakfast and can make it until lunch – I challenge you to try filling your body up with nourishing foods to see if you feel more balanced and satisfied during the day.

Here are some great ideas to get you started. 

You know what they say – breakfast is the most important meal of the day. 


“Every morning you get to choose – how your day, week, month, and life will be shaped. And that’s an extraordinary power we all have.”
Mia of She Dreams All Day



5. Having Your Coffee First Thing

Instead of grabbing your coffee first thing, try drinking at least 2 glasses of water to replenish your sleepy body.

Your body has been dehydrated for 7-8 hours and what it desires first thing in the morning is water, not coffee.  

This was a total game-changer for me.

Once I started drinking a TON of water first thing in the morning, I was suddenly hit with more energy and felt way better than I did the mornings when I immediately filled my body with caffeine.

Indulge in some good quality and organic coffee after your work out or at least wait a few hours before you drink it.

Water first, coffee later.



6. Watch TV

Avoid watching TV in the morning.

The news is filled with recent events, (mostly) negativity and this will shoot your cortisol (stress hormones) levels straight up and influence your mood.

Stay calm, relaxed, and rested for as long as you can before your day starts and avoid any unnecessary distractions – including Netflix.



7. Not Washing Your Face

I don’t know how people can start their day without washing their faces.

This is the first thing I do in the morning – I splash my face with as cold water as possible. 

The cold water will shock your system (in a good way) and help wake you up.

Plus, it feels totally refreshing.



8. Eating Right Away

Give your body 30 minutes to an hour to wake up properly before you fill it up with nutritious food.

Have your glasses of water, meditate, read a book or journal first. 

If we immediately fill our bodies with food and not water – we are likely to eat more than necessary because our bodies are SO DEHYDRATED from sleeping, which tricks our minds to think we’re starved.



9. Not Letting The Sun In

You need daylight, girl.

Getting ready for the day in the dark is not a good idea.

We need that sunshine and daylight to kick our circadian clock into gear.

If we expose ourselves to daylight first thing in the morning, it lets our brain know it’s time to focus, concentrate and start the day. 



10. Not Letting Air In

Fresh air will do you good. Always

If you don’t have time to go for a quick walk, open your window to let the fresh air in or sit on your balcony and enjoy your morning coffee.

And why not crack open a book or listen to a podcast to stimulate your awesome brainpower.

Getting fresh air in the morning will help wake your body up and you’ll feel more rejuvenated.



11. Make Decisions

Decisions are to be made the night before.

When you wake up you will most likely feel groggy and foggy (sounds like dwarfs’ names) and you will be in no shape to make important decisions regarding your morning or life for that matter.

The more you set up camp in “I don’t know”, the more time you waste.

Indecisiveness is a time and energy stealer and we don’t have time for that in our morning routines.



12. Not Having A Morning Routine In Place

For your mornings to be as peaceful and productive as they can, you need to incorporate a proper morning routine into your daily life – and stick to it so it becomes a habit.

Wake up at the same time every day and make your morning rituals time-sensitive and actionable.

Example of a good morning routine:

  • 6 AM – Wake up
  • 6:05 AM – Wash your face
  • 6:10 AM – Drink 2 glasses of water
  • 6:15 AM – Stretch and mediate
  • 6:30 AM – Make your bed
  • 6:45 AM – Work out and shower
  • 7:45 AM – Eat a nutritious breakfast
  • 8:15 AM – Coffee, podcast/book on the balcony
  • 8:40 AM – Get dressed and ready for work

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  1. Tina Andrews says:

    Can I just say how much I especially LOVE this part:

    Also, only follow people who provide value and make you feel good about yourself.

    Unfollow anyone who doesn’t.

    Go through your Instagram and ask yourself –

    “Does this person make me feel good about myself?”

    If the answer is no, unfollow them immediately.

    We want good vibes only.

    There are SO many times when I am on social media and start to notice my mood begin to sink….I think you hit the nail on the head, Mia! I’d love to share the link for this to my social media. I think others could really benefit from this advice.

  2. Sarah Kent says:

    Have always enjoyed calm mornings…can’t do rushing and chaos first thing. One of my top tips is to get all clothes out for the week on a Sunday including accessories…then there’s no searching for the right belt, tights without holes etc. The one thing I wouldn’t do here is make my bed in the morning, we lose a lot of moisture during the night and so the bed needs to air throughout the day. When I get home and get changed out of workwear I’d make my bed then!

  3. sarah says:

    This is so amazing. Honestly, I used to wake up at 7:15 but now I wake up at 6:00.
    I’ve made a list of my morning routine, still trying not to click that snooze button. My life has changed so much and now I don’t have to hurry up I can just take my time. Thank you so much. This would’ve never been possible without you, you’re the best. Thanks Mia!

  4. anne says:

    Making bed is the #1 priority That’s an immediate task completed feeling …start the day and on to #2 wash face. I love your list. I would only suggest changing the order of the first 2 listed items as above. Thank you for sharing. Great list.

  5. Sue says:

    Don’t know what to say I know it’s way past my sleeping time but again i am that dreamer who is dreams of getting control of the day but doesn’t happens!!! This was such a good read I really want to become this and achieve this!!! But always fail to maintain consistency and this time don’t want to use excuse of being a mom to 5 year old!!

  6. Sheila says:

    This is great advice, but I would have to wake up at 4 am to do this. My workday starts at 7:30 am. I will have to tweak this a bit, but it’s definitely worth trying.

    • Mia says:

      Ooh, yes waking up at 4 AM takes some practice. But it is possible. Definitely try! Just start by waking up 15 minutes earlier. You can do this. Thanks for reading, Sheila!

  7. Really enjoyed the article, pinning it for rereadjng & sharing with other people inspire them. Copied your morning routine and made some adjustments, following that from tomorrow ????????????????????????. Best wishes from Fiji ????????

  8. Jenny says:

    Yes ! This is so important. Our morning routine is vital to having a great day. It helps us prepare mentally and emotionally for the rest of our day. If we wake up and don’t do things that take care of us we will not be feeling well. I love mediating and drinking a glass of water. I stopped drinking coffee and its been awesome because physically it wasn’t working. Thank you for this!

    • Mia says:

      Thank you Jenny! Wow, I’m impressed that you managed to quit coffee – that is my one true struggle (and love in life haha). But yes a morning routine is absolute key to a good and productive day. Thank you for stopping by! x Mia

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Hey it's Mia!

I started a secret blog back 2018 because #scaredofwhatotherpeoplethought but since then, I have grown it into a bloomin' business, and been able to fully step into the cozy pajama lifestyle (the introvert dream) and be financially FREE bay-bee. My jam is now to help you do the same by doing business and marketing the introvert-friendly way ⎯ the cozy way ⎯ because duh! Basically, let’s make you more money with your WORDS.