Business Stuff

How To Find Your Blogging Niche In 5 Simple Steps

October 7, 2020


How To Find Your Blogging Niche

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I'm Mia!

Helping you step out of the cubicle life and into the cozy life by crafting a must-buy-from-must-hang-out-with brand so you can make passive cozy income watching Friends in your PJS. Welcome! 👋

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  • What should I blog about?
  • Which blogging niches are profitable?
  • How do I choose a blogging niche that actually works and there’s an audience for?

If the above questions are currently swirling around in your mind, you’ve come to the perfect place dreamer.

Choosing the “perfect” blog niche is a roadblock I see so many of my students run into when starting their blogging adventure. 

It doesn’t have to be this way and it sure doesn’t have to be perfect (because let’s face it, nothing ever is).

In this blog post, I’m going to share with you how you can find your perfect blogging niche in just 5 simple steps.

But first, we’ve got some groundwork to cover.



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Here’s the video for my visual learners.




What is a Blogging Niche?

Let’s first cover what a niche really is.

A niche: The overarching theme for your blog, the topics you cover in your blog posts, and base your content around.

Your niche is also the demographic (the specific people) you aim to reach with your content and the market in which you want to go into and target your blog posts.

There are endless possibilities when it comes to choosing a niche.

Ultimately, it should be something you’re passionate about and something that you’ll enjoy writing weekly content on.



Why Having a Niche is Important

Having a niche helps to structure your website and make it clear to visitors what your blog’s mission is all about. 

Your blog exists to solve other people’s problems.

That’s it. Remember that.

You’re blogging for your audience and not for yourself (if you want your blog to be really profitable that is). 

Having a clear blogging niche will help you to build an audience and put you in the expert seat. 

You’ll want to become the person they’ll run to when they’re having a problem or need help with something in your niche. 

If you’re blogging a little about everything, it’s going to be harder for your audience to look to you as the expert for ALL of those things.

Focus on solving a few problems within one specific niche.

Niching down also helps to build the much-needed trust with your audience – the trust you need in order to be a successful blogger.



Niching Down & Becoming The Expert

The less general of a niche you choose, the better chance you have of becoming a successful and profitable blogger. 

The more specific you are about what your blog is about and WHO you are serving the better.

This is how you become the expert in your niche (no diplomas or degrees needed).

You want to be the person that shows up on the first page of Google when someone searches for a topic in your niche. 

You also want to be the person your audience can count on for valuable information within your niche. 


  • Too general -> High competition = Weight Loss
  • Good -> Less competition = Weight Loss for women
  • Better -> Little competition = Weight Loss for women in their 40s
  • Best -> No competition = Weight Loss for women in their 40s who want to lose the last 10 lbs

The more specific and detailed you are about who you are speaking to in your content the better and the more your ideal audience will relate to you and love on your content.

A woman in her 40s who wants to lose weight (the last 10 lbs to be specific) is going to get much more value from a blog that is speaking directly to women in their 40s who want to lose the last 10 lbs than a general weight loss blog.

In conclusion, don’t be too general – focus on connecting, relating to your audience, and most importantly, fixing a problem that they have. 



Examples of Popular Blogging Niches

Here are some examples of both popular and profitable blogging niches. 

These niches fit into one of the following buckets:

  • Relationships
  • Health
  • Wealth


Here are some ideas of profitable blogging niches to get your creative juices flowing:

  • Personal development
  • Productivity
  • Self-care
  • Making money online
  • Dog training (pets in general)
  • Weightloss
  • Yoga
  • Personal finance
  • Minimalism
  • DIY
  • Home improvement
  • Beauty
  • Personal style
  • Cooking & recipes

And the list goes truly on and on and on…



how to find your blogging niche

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How To Find Your Blogging Niche In 5 Simple Steps

So, how do you uncover the “perfect” niche for your blog?

Follow the simple steps below and get brainstorming!



Step 1. What are you passionate about?

What are some topics that spark curiosity and passion for you?

What are you interested in and wouldn’t mind writing weekly content around?

It’s important that you choose a topic that you’re passionate about and want to learn more about because you’re going to have to write a LOT of content on the topic. 

There’s no point in starting a blog on a topic that you have no interest in.

You need to be genuinely interested in your blogging niche. 

Your passion for it should come through in the words you choose and how you speak to your audience. 

This is an important part of blogging. 

You need to care about your content for your audience to care about it. 



Step 2. What are your strengths?

What are you already knowledgeable about?

Consider your strengths and talents.

It might help to ask the people in your life to give you a little guidance if you feel stuck.

Sometimes it might not be clear to ourselves what our strengths are, but to other people, it’s crystal

Think about what other people come to you for advice on and perhaps let that be an option for a blogging niche. 



Step 3. Who do you want to serve?

Consider the person you want to help and what problem you’ll be solving.

Get really clear on your person – the person you’ll be writing and blogging for.

What problem is she having and how can you help?

In marketing, this is referred to as your ICA or your Ideal Customer Avatar.

Get to know her.

When I first started She Dreams All Day, I based my ICA on myself.

This was easy because I knew the problems I had and blogged about the solutions.

Mirroring yourself as your ICA is an easy choice because you know yourself inside and out and she’ll be easier to speak to.


Example of my ICA at the start of She Dreams All Day:

A woman in her late 20s. Her name is Mia, she’s 30 years old. She wants more out of life and she feels stuck. She knows she’s meant for more. She has goals to pursue but her mindset is holding her back. She’s an introvert and has trouble getting out of her comfort zone daily. This fear holds her back. She’s also a perfectionist, which doesn’t help. She needs someone to show her that she’s capable of living an extraordinary life. She’s in a relationship and she has no kids yet. She wants kids and a job that can provide for her husband, kids, and give her the ability to work from home and be her own boss. She wants to start a profitable blog. 


Example of an ICA in the finance niche: 

Her name is Rachel. She’s 25 years old and just graduated from college. Rachel has over $100K in student loan debt. She just started her first corporate job. She desperately wants to pay off her student loans and is looking for tips that will help her make some extra money on the side – preferably online.


Make it a priority to get to know your ideal customer avatar and have her in the back of your mind whenever you create new content, the way you brand your blog, and the wording you choose. 

You’re ICA will likely change, but get to know her sooner than later.

You can always change your content strategy. 

The important thing to know is that your niche and your content exist to help solve a problem and to attract the right people (your people, your ICA).



Step 4. Define 3-4 Sub-Niches

When you’ve got your overall niche nailed down, try to come up with 3-4 sub-niches that you can base and alternate your weekly content around. 

For example:

Main niche: Personal development

Sub niches: Mindset, goal setting, self-care, productivity

Sub niches are great to get a better understanding of what your audience is actually interested in and it lets you try a niche within a niche so to speak. 

Perhaps you’ll discover that your posts about productivity skyrocket and always tend to do well on Pinterest.

Well, this might be a sign that you should keep going in that direction, fine-tune your niche even more, and focus solely on what is actually working. 

Sub niches are also great for when coming up with ideas for your editorial calendar. 

If you start out blogging about something very specific, you’re going to run out of ideas rather quickly.

There are only so many posts you can create on self-care for instance. 

Let yourself test out different pieces of content in a variety of sub-niches and pay attention to what your audience is interested in and the posts that they’re engaging the most with.

Cast a bigger net to attract the right audience by introducing sub-niches. 



Step 5. Brainstorm a Monetization Strategy

Let me guess, you don’t just want to blog for fun, right?

You eventually want to make some good money with your blog and turn it into a successful business. 

That’s what I thought.

It’s always a good idea to start to think of ways you can monetize your chosen niche.

  • Have you chosen a niche that is monetizable? 
  • Is there proof of profitability in the market?

These are important questions to ask yourself before starting a blog and choosing a blogging niche.

You don’t need to know exactly how you’ll monetize your blog just yet, but start to think about it, brainstorm a few ideas and look to your competitors in the same niche.

What are they doing? How are they doing it? Are they successful? 

Go to Pinterest and search for other blogs in the niche you’ve settled on and let the market research begin!



The Bottom Line

The most important thing to consider when choosing a niche is to always have your audience’s interest (and problems) at heart.

Blogging is an ever-evolving thing.

The niche you start out with will likely not be the niche you settle for in the end.

Let your blog visitors guide you and help shape your blog’s content strategy.

Keep an eye on your Google Analytics to see which posts are getting the most traction and clicks to get a better understanding of what kind of content you should be creating more of. 

You’re writing for them – not for yourself. 

Always remember that. ✨

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  1. Kanika says:

    What a lovely post Mia! Would you reckon it’s okay to merge personal development and weight loss? (ICA – women in their 30s on a weight loss journey). I’m just starting my blog and am super passionate about personal development and also weight loss (it’s something I’ve struggled with for years)

  2. Charlene says:

    I enjoyed reading through this post as I’m trying to niche down. Thank you

  3. Nikita says:

    This blog post is so thorough and full of good advice! Thank you for sharing Mia.

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Hey it's Mia!

I started a secret blog back 2018 because #scaredofwhatotherpeoplethought but since then, I have grown it into a bloomin' business, and been able to fully step into the cozy pajama lifestyle (the introvert dream) and be financially FREE bay-bee. My jam is now to help you do the same by doing business and marketing the introvert-friendly way ⎯ the cozy way ⎯ because duh! Basically, let’s make you more money with your WORDS.