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How To Achieve Your Goals

Dec 1


how to achieve your goals this year

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I'm Mia!

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We can all agree that 2020 and 2021 has been somewhat of a doozy and not at all what we expected (and not in a good way).

2022 finally is on the horizon. 

A brand new year is coming our way. 

It’s goal-setting season.

Are you ready for it?

Are you ready to make this next year the best year yet and achieve all your goals?

I for one love the new year and I’m always committed to making the next one a whole lot better than the last. 

I believe life can only get better as we learn, evolve, and grow. 

This might have something to do with the fact that I am a complete planning addict. 

I find it super exciting to set new goals and to lay out my special roadmap for achieving them. 

Here’s to making the impossible possible. 



In this blog post, I’ll be sharing my top goal-setting tips so you can make 2022 the best year yet and successfully make it the year where you wholeheartedly chase your dreams and make them a reality. 



Related Reads:



how to achieve your goals this year

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1. Get clear on your dream vision

Take a moment to dream big. 

Lock in an hour in your calendar where you have some time to yourself and spend it dreaming big.

Get out your favorite journal and start writing out your dream vision for the next 5-10 years. 

Before you set an annual goal for 2022, you need to get clear on where you see your dream life headed in the future. 

Envision your dream vision for all the different areas of your life. 

Don’t be afraid of dreaming really big here and try to not listen to any limiting thoughts that may make an appearance in your mind as you do this. 

Get creative and have fun with this. 

Create a Pinterest vision board if you’re feeling stuck. 

Explore the impossible. 

You can literally achieve anything you put your mind to, so you might as well put your mind to something amazing. 



2. Set a date for planning your dream year

Goal setting can often come with a whole load of overwhelm. 

There is just so much we want to do and achieve in a short period of time.

Can you relate?

I suggest looking through your calendar and then marking off a whole day which you can devote entirely to setting your amazing goals for 2021. 

No fluff, no distractions.

And perhaps you can even ship your husband and kids to your parents’ house or rent a hotel room just for the purpose of planning out your dream year?

This way, you’ll know exactly what’s expected of you and where your focus should be on that specific day.

Plus, it’s super fun, right?

A whole day dedicated to planning out your best year yet?

Gotta love it. 



3. Makeover your mindset for goal setting

Reframing your mindset when setting goals is an absolute must.

You cannot set (let alone achieve) goals from a place of scarcity.

We need to set goals from an abundant and place where everything-is-possible

If you’re struggling to makeover your mindset and to avoid limiting beliefs, you can try one of these mindset hacks

Before you sit down to write out your goals for 2021, try one of the following exercises to get you in the right frame of mind: 

  • Take 3-5 deep breaths
  • Journal for a couple of pages
  • Write freely about everything and anything to clear your mind (don’t filter your thoughts, let them flow onto the paper)
  • Repeat positive affirmations
  • Meditate for 3-10 minutes using the Headspace app

Get in the right mood and mindset before planning and plotting out your best year yet. ✨



4. Review 2021

Before you do anything, you must revisit the year that’s just about to pass us by – 2021.

We first need to look back to ensure amazing and big steps forward.

Journal about any wins you’ve had (big or small), challenges you’ve overcome, and all the amazing things you’ve done in general.

A few of my favorite questions for a year in review: 

  • How did you spend your days, weeks, months in 2021?
  • What results did you create and would you create them again?
  • Name the #1 emotion of 2021
  • What felt easy?
  • What felt hard?
  • What thoughts will you leave behind in 2022? 
  • What thoughts will you take with you into 2022?

You have to know where you’re starting from in order to know how big the gap is between where you are now and where you want to be.

Carve out some time to reflect on the past year and ask yourself what you want to do differently in 2022. 



5. Set a one-year goal

Choose one goal as your sole focus for 2022.

Avoid the trap of setting too many goals. 

If you do, you will be spreading yourself too thin and you won’t have enough focus or time to accomplish it all.

This is why New Years Resolutions usually don’t work out.

We set too many and keep our expectations high while execution is low. 

You definitely don’t want to fall into this trap.

I highly recommend you choose one main goal for the entire year to increase your chances of accomplishing it. 

Have a think about your answers to the following questions to help uncover your one-year goal: 

  • What will move the needle for your personal life or your blog?
  • What do you want to achieve?
  • What goal will have the biggest impact on your life?
  • What would be amazing to have happen in 2022?

Take a minute and write down your answers to the journal prompts above. 

Your goal should scare you a little. 

It should be a goal that requires you to step outside your comfort zone and become a better version of yourself.

Remember, whenever we set goals, we also set obstacles.

If your goal doesn’t make you a tiny bit uncomfortable, you need to dream bigger. 

Discomfort comes alongside goal setting. 



6. Examples of goals to set in 2022

If you’re feeling lost and don’t know where to start when it comes to nailing down a goal for 2022…

Below are a few examples of goals you could set for yourself next year – just a few ideas to prompt you on your way.

I’ve split them into different life categories. 

Remember, choosing one goal to focus on is how you will have amazing results. 



  • Cut out the white stuff (flour, sugar, and dairy)
  • No more soda
  • Work out 2-3 times a week
  • Get enough sleep



  • Start your own dream blog
  • Leave your full-time job by this time next year
  • Make X amount of money next year
  • Increase your followers on IG by 10,000
  • Start waking up early to pursue your passion project



  • Refurnish a room in your home
  • Spruce up your office space (make it really cozy!)



  • Say goodbye to all toxic relationships
  • Work on your relationship with your spouse, family, or dog
  • Call an old friend once a week
  • Have coffee with your bestie bi-weekly



  • What will you create this year?
  • A book?
  • An online course?
  • A song?
  • Artwork? 
  • Will you pursue painting?


Personal Growth

  • How will you work on your personal growth this year?
  • Meditate daily
  • Mindset work to limit limiting beliefs
  • Read X amounts of books



7. Love your reason for setting your goal

Get clear on your why and make sure you’ve set your goal for the right reasons and that you actually like your reasoning. 

Knowing your why will make those tough, challenging days (trust me, they will arise) much easier to deal with, and you can find motivation in your why – to keep going and to keep showing up for your goal.

Resistance is bound to show up, so having a clear why will help.

Go deep with this. Keep asking yourself why. 

Peel back the onion. 

Don’t just go with whatever first comes to mind.

The deeper you go, the more powerful your why.

The stronger your why, the more likely you are to stick to your goal when challenges and obstacles arise.

  • Why have you set this goal?
  • Why?
  • Why?
  • But why?!

Keep on asking until you uncover your truth.

There will be days when you won’t feel like taking action on your goal, so having your why with at all times can be quite the motivator.



8. Break your goal down into quarters

Once you’ve got your one-year goal in your pocket and you’re feeling excited about it – it’s time to break it down into quarterly chunks. 

This makes the goal-setting process much less likely to spur into complete overwhelm.

Breaking your one-year goal down makes it more do-able.

  • What are the steps you need to take in quarter one?
  • What are the steps you need to take in quarter two?
  • What are the steps you need to take in quarter three?
  • What are the steps you need to take in quarter four?

State all the steps you need to take in order to achieve your goal and break it ALL down. 



Before you go, dreamer.

The point of goals is to grow and evolve as a person.

Goals give our minds direction and something to focus on.

Think of goals as the GPS to your dream destination. 

It’s never about how you think you will feel once you achieve your goal and arrive at your dream destination. It’s always going to be about the person you become in the process.

Happiness does not live on the other side of you achieving your goals. 

Grasping this concept before you begin chasing your goals will save you so much time and effort. 

You can choose to feel happy in this very moment. 

Just be aware that the point of goals is to experience growth and not to necessarily achieve them.

Life is a moving target.

Once you hit one goal, you’ll automatically set new goals for yourself. 

There is no final destination, ever. 

And that’s actually quite amazing to think about. 

Wishing you an amazing 2022!

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  1. Kate says:

    Really great tips! I have been wanting to make time to make a vision board for a while now. My favorite tip is the one about creating quarters! That way it won’t feel so unachievable!

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Hey it's Mia!

I started a secret blog back 2018 because #scaredofwhatotherpeoplethought but since then, I have grown it into a bloomin' business, and been able to fully step into the cozy pajama lifestyle (the introvert dream) and be financially FREE bay-bee. My jam is now to help you do the same by doing business and marketing the introvert-friendly way ⎯ the cozy way ⎯ because duh! Basically, let’s make you more money with your WORDS.