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Introvert Stuff

11 Things Introverts Need To Be Happy In Life

Sep 7


things introverts need to be happy

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I'm Mia!

 Helping you make more money in your cozy online business (*ahem* financial freedom) so you can make passive cozy income while you're watching Friends! 👋

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what even is an introvert?

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Introverts have special needs, in the way that we all do, but most likely these are needs that extroverts don’t call for. 

Introverts tend to be more on the melancholic side and our mood can easily shift from feeling peachy to blue.

I know I can certainly feel like I’m on an emotional rollercoaster. 

Who can relate?

I see you, dreamer. ✨

We’re extra sensitive, we overthink, worry, and generally take offense more than extroverts. 

Let’s just say self-doubt hits us harder than most and it’s easy to fall into low spirits. 

This is exactly why we require certain things in our lives to be happy as introverts. 



Related Reads:



For all my visual learners, here’s the YouTube video for ya. 


1. Time Alone

It should come as no secret or surprise that we introverts require time alone to thrive.

Time to recharge our social batteries, tune into our inner worlds, and to feel at peace.

After a long day of socializing at work or having spent a couple of hours at a friend of a friend’s birthday party, I can think of no better activity than to go solo and just hang out with myself. 



2. Time Spent In Nature

Another thing that will most certainly put a smile on any introverts face is access to nature and spending some quality time with mother earth.

You know, that fresh air, a soft ocean breeze, the calmness of a walk in nature – all the while listening to an inspiring audiobook or podcast

Or better yet, listening to nothing but nature sounds. 

Did someone say soothing?

There’s just something about being out in nature that brings a sense of peace and stillness to the soul while also helping to relieve some of that social anxiety the external world can pour down on us introverts. 

Being out in nature can also help spark creativity and connect us to our goals and dreams. 

So, out you go – out into the greenery



3. The Little Things

It’s the little things that bring us joy.

I know this sounds a bit cliché, but it’s right on the money and exactly what introverts need. 

Introverts enjoy a simple life.

Life doesn’t have to be busy, extravagant, fast-paced, or a do-it-all kind of thing. 

We don’t need as much stimulation to feel happy and content. 

The little things that bring me the most joy are slow mornings with a good cup of coffee, walks in nature, meaningful conversation with a close friend, and a few laughter-filled episodes of F.R.I.E.N.D.S (any episode where Phoebe brings out her guitar). 

That’s all I need to turn this frown upside down. 

I truly believe that simplicity is the key to a happy life of fulfillment, dreamers. ✨



things introverts need to be happy in life

Busy bee? Pin this article for later. 



4. Purpose + Passion

Purpose and passion are two factors that play a huge role in any introvert’s life. 

Dreaming big and setting goals inspire forward momentum. 

It makes us feel alive, that we have a purpose, and that our dreams are worth chasing (HINT: they totally are!).

I’ve always been a dreamer. 

I think all introverts are.

We naturally dream big of all the things we want to manifest.

After all, we only live once so we might as well make the most of it and go for our dreams 100%?

I say YES. 



5. Friends Who “Get” You

Introverts need friends who “get” and understand them. 

We tend to say “no” a lot, especially to big social events where we don’t know a lot of people and where small talk is obligatory. 


Having empathetic friends who support and understand our regular “no’s” and need for time alone is a must. 

We also need people in our life that we can share our silence with. 

Nothing says a solid friendship like a friendship where you can be quiet together in complete comfort and ease, with no one nervously trying to fill the silence. 

Yes to friends that don’t put any extra social pressure on us and let us say “no thanks” to a party invite without the guilt trip. 

Having people around us that “get” us and our introverted nature is key for an introvert’s happiness. 



6. Dreaming Big Time

Introverts have a rich inner world and are known to be highly creative. 

We need to set aside time to dream and vividly visualize these dreams into reality. 

Otherwise known as dreaming big time – as I like to call it. 

Taking the time to sit with our thoughts, dreams, and goals will spark clarity about what we truly want out of life and it can certainly sway positive action-taking in the direction of our dreams. 

The busy world around us has a tendency to confuse the path we’re on – that’s why it’s so very important that we take the time to figure out what we want and where we want to go. 



7. A Safe Space

Speaking of dreaming big…

All introverts need a dedicated place for this dreaming big session to take place.

A safe space to dream, be quiet, unwind, and cozy it up.

A place where you can land, recharge your social batteries, take a breather, and escape from the chaotic world we live in. 

  • Feeling stressed?
  • Feeling socially drained?
  • Suffering from the classic introvert hangover?

Go to your safe space, where you’re free to be your lovely introverted self. 

Think of it as your introverted “holy” abode where you can go on your own private retreat.  

No interruptions, no intrusions, no social pressure. 



8. Deep & Meaningful Conversation

No to meaningless chit chatter.

Yes to deep and soulful conversation. 

Introverts love to deep dive into a topic they’re passionate about. 

Without meaningful conversation, we feel empty and purposeless. 

There cannot only be “how’s the weather?” convos going around campus. 

There needs to be a balance between day-to-day small talk and deep conversation. 



9. A Manageable Social Schedule

As introverts, it’s super important that we spread our social energy evenly throughout our day. 

Design your own social calendar and make sure that you’re getting enough downtime, dreaming big time, walks in nature, and anything else you need to shine as your beautiful introverted self. 

For me, having a slow, chilled out and peaceful morning routine is absolutely necessary for me to be happy and have an amazing day. 

I also tend to take time out during lunch – just to hang out alone and recharge for an hour or so. 

I warmly recommend you create your own schedule that is socially manageable.

Here’s an example of mine:

things introverts need to be happy in life



10. Inspirational Content

I’m talking about a good fiction book, an inspiring podcast, a motivational blog post, or a YouTube video.

Introverts seek out inspiration and knowledge. 

We love to visit “other worlds” than the one we currently exist in. 

Diving into inspiring content is a magical way of escaping the noise of the outside world. 

Press pause on the external world and press play on your choice of inspirational content. ✨



11. A Quiet Hobby

A quiet hobby that brings us joy is just one of the things that introverts need to be happy life.

Gardening, reading, blogging, knitting, and writing are some of the most popular hobbies amongst introverts. 

A quiet but creative hobby one can dive deep into in complete solitude. 

For me, this is most certainly blogging. 

I think blogging is the perfect hobby/job = jobby for introverts.

If you’ve been toying with the idea of starting your own dream blog, I want to personally invite you to join my FREE challenge Start Your Dream Blog For Introverts. It’s a 5-day course that will teach you everything you need to start and launch your new blog. 



Before You Go

As you can see, there are several things introverts need to be happy in life.

But speaking of blogging as an introvert…

I’ve opened the doors to my brand new membership oh-so-soon.

A membership for introverted bloggers and dreamers. 

The mission of the She Dreams All Day Membership is to provide all introverted bloggers and dreamers with a safe online space to grow, learn, collaborate, get support, feedback, and continuously feel the spark of inspiration as we make magical things happen both for our blogs and our personal growth.

A safe space to find your people, find your confidence, find your passion, find your spark.

I’d love to have you join us! 

I saved you a seat to my free masterclass. you'll learn how to build an audience and create content the introvert-friendly way.


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  1. Helen says:

    I love this post.
    I’m not sure I’ve read anything that describes me so well before. It’s a bit of a wake up call to see the things I need and love but that I often ignore to concentrate on everything else that needs to be done.

  2. Rebecca says:

    LOVE this post, Mia. And love your blog, by the way! I am actually and ambivert…I need my quiet time alone, AND I need contact with people. After too much alone time, I need social interaction. It’s kind of maddening to need both! But anyway, I can SO relate with all of the things on this list. Often when I find myself overwhelmed with life, it’s because I have been neglecting something on this list! THANK YOU for reminding all of us introverts (and ambiverts who love you!) how to take care of ourselves.

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Hey it's Mia!

I started a secret blog back 2018 because #scaredofwhatotherpeoplethought but since then, I have grown it into a bloomin' business, and been able to fully step into the cozy pajama lifestyle (the introvert dream) and be financially FREE bay-bee. My jam is now to help you do the same by doing business and marketing the introvert-friendly way ⎯ the cozy way ⎯ because duh! Basically, let’s make you more money with your WORDS.