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9 Things To Do Every Sunday For An Amazing Week

Nov 4


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I'm Mia!

 Helping you make more money in your cozy online business (*ahem* financial freedom) so you can make passive cozy income while you're watching Friends! 👋

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Sundays are wonderful for catching up with work that has been left untouched, unwinding and binge-watching Netflix.

But above all, it’s a great day for planning and making sure the next week will be your best week. 

Here are some of the things I do every Sunday and how, by doing so, I avoid the Monday blues, feeling overwhelmed or anxious about the week ahead.

Sounds great, right?

Let’s get started. 



Related Reads:



things to do on a Sunday

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1. Shift Your Mindset

Sundays don’t need to be what they are most commonly known for; a lazy day for hangovers and meaningless binge-watching (and eating).

My first tip for you is to think of Sundays as the first day of the week.

It really takes the edge and pressure off of Mondays.

You can get a head start on your work for the week by prepping on Sundays.

Prep, prep, and prep.

Prepping is key.

(Have I said “prepping” enough times now?)

This is by far my favorite tip for avoiding the Monday blues.

Do what you can on Sundays and the rest of the week won’t feel as stressful.

Congrats! You’ve just been given a whole extra 24 hours in your week. Yay!

Make the most of it.



2. Meal Prep

Ah, what a classic Sunday tip, right?

You’ll save so much time by getting all of your grocery shopping and meal prepping done on Sundays for the week ahead.

I’ll admit to not being the best at this – but I do my best.

This is your chance to look up new and exciting recipes, make healthier choices and bulk that fridge with delicious ready-to-go meals.

Tip: Write out a meal-prep list of all the things you wish to indulge in the coming week before you head to the store.

Also, make sure you plan for healthy snacking.

By preparing most of your meals in advance you are also saving a ton of $$. Need I say more?



3. Plan Your Week

Plan, plan and then plan some more.

Sundays are great for catching up with your favorite planner and getting your to-do’s in order.

I love the Productivity Planner for this, and I am head over heels about it.

You can read my very honest review of the planner here

I actually just starting using it, but it’s hands down the best planner I’ve ever used.

It’s way up there competing with my all-time favorite gCal.

However, sometimes, it’s nice to get your most important tasks down on paper using a good old-fashioned pen.



Productivity Planner



Plan your week down to the hour, if you can.

Lay down your most important to-do’s and spread them out on your calendar as results (not actions).

Let’s say you plan to work on your blog from 1 pm – 3 pm on a Thursday – you wouldn’t just put down work on the blog.  

Write down the results you expect to get in that timeframe.

So in this example that might bewrite a blog post about productivity,email subscribers, or create productivity freebie

See what I mean?

Be as specific and detailed as you can.

This will really improve your productivity and make you feel more organized and structured.

Don’t stop there – jot down your social activities for the week, work out times – whatever you plan on doing in the coming week.



4. Prioritize Your To-Do List

Your to-do list is holy and sometimes it can feel endless. 

So, make sure you prioritize your to-do list in order of urgency and importance.

Tick off the most crucial task before you move onto the next.

Constantly check off things as you do them, add new tasks and keep it flowing.

I also use the Productivity Planner for prioritizing my to-do’s. 

There’s really no better feeling than ticking off things on your to-do list, right?

Stick to one list and avoid countless post-its all over your computer screen and workspace.



5. Aim For Inbox Zero

I absolutely despise a crowded inbox.

I go through it every Sunday and try and get it to zero.

Use these extra productive hours you’ve been given each Sunday and reply to emails, filter out spam and archive emails into different folders.

Tip: Organize and clean up your desktop while you’re at it.



6. Set Goals

Do you know what Sundays are also great for?

Setting goals.

Stop and reflect on your life, the week that’s just passed and make sure you are moving forward towards your dreams and ultimate goals in life.

We should all be taking small steps every day that are aligned with our one big goal or dream.

It’s actually frightening to think that so many of us never actually do anything remotely related to our goals. 

Really stop to think about your life, goals, and dreams every Sunday.

Reflect, visualize and take notes.

  • Where are you now?
  • Where do you want to be?
  • And what can you do the following week to get closer to your dreams?

I have a Google drive document open at all times with all my goals for the next…

  • 5 years
  • 2 years
  • 1 year
  • 6 months
  • 3 months
  • 1 month
  • and so on.

Divide your big goal into smaller actionable goals that are time-sensitive.

Use your Sundays wisely and get your goals in order. ✨



7. Practice Self-Care

Don’t let there ever go a Sunday without practicing some self-care and self-lovin’.

It’s so important to set aside time for yourself.

It might be a warm bubble bath (put Enya on why don’t you?), meditation, reading, a long walk listening to your favorite podcast or going out with your hubby or best friend for dinner.

Whatever self-care is for you, do it every Sunday (preferably a little every day).

For more self-care ideas, head on over to this blog post that has over 57 self-care ideas. 



8. Clean Your Space

You don’t ever want to start off the week with a messy home, desk, apartment, and safe space.

Spend 30 minutes every Sunday decluttering, vacuuming those dust bunnies and doing the dishes.

You’re bound to be happier and feel more productive if your environment and space is clutter-free.

You don’t need to go all Monica Gellar and clean every single corner of your home, but a little goes a long way.

Start the week off clean, literally speaking.



9. Unwind & Relax

Last but not least, make sure to do absolutely nothing as well.

Sundays are not meant to be stressful but they are great for prepping and getting a head start on your work.

Remember – it’s still a day of rest so make sure to schedule your downtime. 

My favorite thing to do during my downtime is to eat chocolate (alternatively something a little healthier, but come on – it’s the weekend), go for a walk, journal or watch my all-time favorite sitcom, FRIENDS.

What about you?

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  1. Biswajit Das says:

    Hi Mia,
    This post is just awesome! TBH I am not a big fan of scheduling week in advance, I sechedule my day in night only. Scheduling your week seems good but it’s quite difficult for me as there are many things which even I don’t know have to include in my schedule like a sudden client or something like that.

  2. Kunika Patel says:

    Thank you for these great tips. It not only makes Sunday productive but also reduces the stress for the week.

  3. Bisma says:

    Mia , I’m a dreamer always dreaming of going into the army . Your time management tips have got me on track from which I’ve been really derailed since a little while

  4. ahmad Sannan says:

    Thank you MIA for writing this. I’ll start with some of your tips right now haha. I’ve just found your blog from pinterest and I think I am planning to stay for a while !! Best of luck

  5. Bekah says:

    I could definitely use this on my Sundays! I might have to make a small checklist to go by until it becomes habit though <3 thanks for the motivation!

  6. Yogesh Jain says:

    Amazing tips to make the Sunday best AND productive as well.

  7. Maria says:

    Great tips! #1 should def be to go to church or dive into the Bible. When I do that it totally aligns my mindset and resets my motivations. ❤

  8. Dana says:

    Super duper things!

  9. Jeana says:

    Love the post. Simple things can make a huge difference!

  10. Lee says:

    I don’t often comment on blogs, but this post was spot on and oh so very helpful. I liked how you listed a mix of big strategies, like setting and keeping up with life goals, and small strategies, like cleaning out inboxes and taking a break for chocolate 🙂

  11. Shawlin says:

    This makes me visualize my goals again and again ❤️ This post made my dreams fresh again ????

  12. Sarah says:

    Thank you Mia . Great tip planning a week ahead !!

  13. Robin says:

    Thanks for the great tips. However, when I clicked to receive the affirmations guide, I was sent the habit tracker instead. Could you redirect the link? TY!

  14. Madhumita says:

    Wow wow wow
    Great read felt very enriched with ur Awsum ideas
    I see ur potential to write a book
    Good luck ????

  15. Kristin says:

    I’d love to see how you format your google drive goals sheet!

  16. Rayleen Moon says:

    I loved this. I’m retired and I have add. Some days I’m busy all day and it seems like I don’t get anything done. I don’t remember things as easily as I used to. I have been wanting something to help me focus and develope a routine to help me get more done. I feel like I can incorporate much of this into a daily routine. Thank you so much for putting this out there.

  17. Krista says:

    This is fantastic! I love the idea of being more specific with writing down tasks to writing the expected results. I think that will be huge in helping me stay focused on each specific task. And the idea of reviewing goals each Sunday! Spectacular! I set goals for myself, then live happens and I forget about a few. HUGE THANK YOU!!!

    • Mia says:

      Krista! YES! Writing things down and getting nitty gritty with your goals is a must! So glad you’ve found this article helpful 🙂

  18. Christina Joseph says:

    This is truely helpful..
    Big thanks to you! ????

  19. Tsholo says:

    Thanks for this .

  20. Burg says:

    Going to start some if these tips, thanks! And love the Friends reference haha.

  21. I like what you said about planning out week and being specific about it! I’ve started doing this and I’ve noticed that I’m not as stressed out! Thanks for sharing!

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Hey it's Mia!

I started a secret blog back 2018 because #scaredofwhatotherpeoplethought but since then, I have grown it into a bloomin' business, and been able to fully step into the cozy pajama lifestyle (the introvert dream) and be financially FREE bay-bee. My jam is now to help you do the same by doing business and marketing the introvert-friendly way ⎯ the cozy way ⎯ because duh! Basically, let’s make you more money with your WORDS.